Photo of enlargers at District Darkroom

Book the darkroom

You can make your own darkroom prints

The core aim of District Darkroom is to make a darkroom space available to all film photographers. We know that most people will not have the location or resources available to set up their own darkroom at home. Come along and use our space instead. The hire cost includes the use of an enlarger station as well as the chemicals needed to make standard prints. You only need to bring along your photo paper, your negatives and your desire to create.

Darkroom hire is suitable for people who have had some previous experience in working in a darkroom. It may have been a while ago but it will usually come back to you.

All new users of this darkroom space will need to attend an induction session though so that we can make you familiar with our layout and the procedures you need to know in order to work safely. This can be booked at the same time as making hire booking.

If you have never done any black and white darkroom work before, please consider coming to a workshop first to gain the confidence to work on your own.


Hourly darkroom hire

We offer casual every day bookings in blocks of four, six or eight hours. For more info and to book click the button below! (Bookings must be made with at least 24hrs notice otherwise they will not process in the system).


4hrs @ $53

6hrs @ $78

8hrs @. $100


Bulk hours

The DDC BULK 30 hour package is perfect if you have a project or art show coming up and need flexibility. The 30 hour bulk package can be used over 2 months. For more info and to book click the button below!


30hrs @ $350